[영어] 13. 빈칸
게시글 주소: https://hpi.orbi.kr/0005142859
All known phenomena's entropy must only occur incrementally. Entropy is the measurement of whatever chaos, in other words, this world, this universe must - gradually or rapidly, whatever speed - become a state of chaos. For instance, imagine you let one drop of jet black ink fall into a clear glass of water. The ink would arbitrarily spread(unless, of course, one uses a spoon to stir). It is clear that the disseminated ink is more capricious than the one blob of ink before it was dropped in the water. However, we, humans, build so complex things and keep it all in shape. Extensively compact microchips, neatly aligned machines and beautiful artwork are all things that are lawfully intact than its rudiment recipes. Put in easier words, the entropy has fallen. This is because_______. It is not that civilsation has enhanced, but it is our mere existence - which is the unavoidable original sin - that it happens.
.1. we are not abiding the nature's law by creating artificial machinery
.2. chaos in itself cannot interfere with humanly events
.3. we are sacrificing heavily to produce small miracles
.4. of the hybrid things we make which has gone far beyond chaos
.5. we are not producing things in exact replica thereby adding to the chaos
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